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  5. Resolución de problemas en Open OnDemand

Resolución de problemas en Open OnDemand

Troubleshooting Open OnDemand


Common problems

Problem: the OOD login pop-up box keeps reappearing Problem: when I login to OOD, I immediately get the error: “can’t find user for YOUR-USERNAME. Run ‘nginx_stage –help’ to see a full list of available command line options” Problem: my OOD apps on shared nodes (VS Code, Jupyter shared node app, RStudio shared node app) never start Problem: my OOD apps on shared nodes (VS Code, Jupyter shared node app, RStudio shared node app) report “permission denied (gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,keyboard-interactive)” Problem: my OOD apps report an SSH or connection error Problem: my OOD Jupyter kernel or my RStudio’s R session keeps dying Problem: Slurm-based OOD sessions never start Problem: OOD sessions on the shared node never start and report being in a “bad state”


General information for troubleshooting

Logs and scripts for each interactive session with Open OnDemand are stored in:




There are directories for each interactive app type within this directory. For example, to see the scripts and logs for an RStudio session, you might look at the files under:




where b5733507-a750-4bb9-8d4b-710618ce0de1 corresponds to a specific session of an OOD app (the RStudio app in this case).

The BRC Open OnDemand interactive apps configuration is on GitHub. Additional information about Open OnDemand configuration is available on the Open OnDemand documentation.

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