Ideal: A Giant for new technologies similar to 300 computers

Granada, 7 de Noviembre de 2008
Expertos del Instituto Carlos I de Física Teórica y Computacional desarrollan el ordenador más potente de Andalucía. Proteus cuenta con 600 procesadores y un disco duro con una capacidad de más de 21.000 gigabytes.

The computer is the most essential tool of our time, both in the world of work and leisure. Everyday tasks, such as writing a letter, buying a product or watching a movie, as well as more complex tasks, such as checking the security of a building or simulating an experiment, can and usually can be carried out on a computer. And if demands are increasing, so can new technologies.

One example is Proteus, the most powerful academic supercomputer in Andalusia and the fourth in Spain. This device has 600 processors, which represents a potential similar to that of 300 personal computers at full performance…

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